Once you’ve gone to the effort of creating an article, a video, an email marketing campaign, a blog post or anything else that you can share online, add an attention-grabbing headline to draw in the maximum possible number of readers.
It’s all about you! Keep people reading by writing benefit driven, reader focused web copy.
For a lot of people, when talking or writing about their business, it comes naturally to explain the features of their product or service. Unfortunately, this approach doesn’t really let you stand out, as it is likely that in reality, the features of your product are pretty similar to your competitors.
Writing words for the web?
Keep people reading by formatting the copy, using simple language and deleting un-necessary words. People often skim the content of websites so make the content skim-able.
Web Copywriting is not a Dirty Word!
When you think about getting a new website, who are the first people who spring to mind that you need to work with? Probably a web designer and/or developer.
The Schwing of Web Content you can Skim
I’ve been away in the UK for three weeks and while I was away I checked my email regularly. I subscribe to a lot of blogs and newsletters to keep up with what’s going on in the internet marketing world.
Content Marketing is the New Black. What is your Website Wearing this Winter?
Content Marketing is the trend in website marketing that smart business owners are including in their online marketing plan. What is Content Marketing?
9 Factors that are Critical for Online Content Success
I recently attended a fantastic Problogger Training Day in Melbourne arranged by Darren Rowse from Problogger. Darren presented along with Chris Garrett from Chrisg.com, Yaro Starak from Entrepreneurs Journey and Collis from Envato.
Ring, Ring, Why Don’t You Give Me a Call… My number is on the website…. Somewhere!
Do you find it annoying when you visit a website and can’t figure what the company does, or, even worse, how to contact them?
5 Things Every Website Home Page Must Have
Some of the things that make the difference between a great website and an average one are the design, the way the website is set up, the copy, the images used, how easy it is to use and the ongoing marketing strategy. Today let’s have a look at the home page, and the 5 things […]