On your Profile Page underneath your name, you’ll see the number of followers that you have and also a number of Views.
Today’s Q&A will explain why Views are important.
Views are the total number of views of your profile or page, plus views of your posts and your images.
It’s a way to measure how active and engaged you are and to understand how many people are seeing you and your updates on Google+.
If you don’t want your Views displayed on your Profile, go to Settings on the left navigation and under “Profile” uncheck the box called “Show how many times your profile and content have been viewed”.
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Melinda aka Mel is a Google Partner, Google Ads & Consultant, Speaker and Trainer and co-owner of Click-Winning Content.
Mel provides results-driven services to organisations around the world and is committed to never using an acronym without explaining it first. She also likes greyhounds as pets, grand slam tennis, cracked pepper and Melbourne sunsets.
Please connect at the links below.
I’ve wondered about the no of views they show in G+ but didn’t know how they calculate it. Thanks for explaining now I know how and what it is.
But I think it is misleading to show this no of views. Its misleading. Most people think it is the no of times your G+ profile or business page has been viewed. This is not the case. And on top of that I’ve heard some social media people show theis G+ views no. to business clients and tell them how popular their or the business pages they manage are. Google+ should do something about it.